Network Design is deeply rooted in Living Systems Design.
It’s about Living Systems
Consider the notion of civilization itself—the idea that we can create a non-sustainable system separate from Nature and keep throwing externalities like environmental pollution, nuclear waste, climate change, and antibiotics somewhere else—has put the entire planetary ecosystem at risk of collapse. We are not separate from the world. There is no “somewhere else”.
Science tells us that any system must be at least as complex as the demands placed upon it; otherwise, it will eventually fail. Our civilization is literally a “living system”, one we have formally organized into cities and counties, states and nations and informally connected using vast digital networks. Yet, we operate our global system with a mechanistic approach designed for maximum efficiency, and increasing complexity at every scale. That puts us on course for even more turbulence. Whereas, a living systems approach allows for more dynamic resilience and organic problem solving within, and by, the network itself.