New tools always require new rules. The old rules may still be valid, but they are no longer sufficient.
Paradigms are bundles of rules explaining the laws of physics, social and otherwise.
The new laws of physics
AI and Web 3.0. offer us new laws of physics (for example AI allows superhuman speeds of decision-making while blockchain enables personal ownership of digital assets and reputation).
Shared fictions that melt into truths
It is helpful to remember that some things are true for us only because we all agree that they are. They are inter-subjectively true. Corporations are an example. They are shared fictions but have real consequences in the real world. As we design for the “next level” it is helpful to remember that “Social Physics” is at work alongside “Physical physics”. Skilled network designers make sure they understand and shape both.
Exponential change requires facility in paradigm -jumping
- This is true at all scales. For example, If you are implementing a new software system, you may need to update your security policies to ensure that the system is protected from unauthorized access
- The good news is People can create unimaginable change in record time. Just think of how remote work became the new norm overnight. The world is mired in compromise. Very little of it due to the laws of physics. Mostly due to convention and norm ie rules. The weight of the past if you will.
"New tools always require new rules. The old rules may still be valid, but they are no longer sufficient." – Drucker Institute
Presiding paradigms are shifting:
Scarcity | TO | Abundance |
Independence (Stakeholder) | TO | Interdependence |
Independence (Shareholder) | TO | Interdependence |
Prediction & Control | TO | Sensing, Creating & Caring |
Reductionistic-thinking (either/or) | TO | Holism (both/and) |
Mechanical & Technological | TO | Living Adaptive Systems |
Organizational Leadership | TO | Eco-system Leadership |
Strategy/Goal/Results Driven | TO | Purpose/Culture Driven |
Process/Content Driven | TO | Context Driven |
Strategist/Goal-Setters/Operators | TO | Leaders as Visionaries & Orchestrators |
Hierarchical | TO | Up, down, in and out Leadership |
- Emerging Paradigm transcends while includes Existing Paradigm (e.g. interdependence allows for and includes independence, as appropriate)
Transcend and include
It is helpful to understand that because we are talking about evolution, whether we are talking about paradigms or infrastructure or the self and our own cognition, each level transcends and includes the prior. This is the essence of Interdependence.
It also goes with the Embeddness of living systems. This means that even as the old paradigms are breaking apart there is a new expanded paradigm that includes the old and something completely novel. As SFI’s Brian Arthur puts it – “there is a part of me that is endlessly delighted by the universe’s continual unfolding”.
Paradigms - key takeaways
- Reality is interpretative not always fixed or immutable
- Shared fictions can be mistaken as truths - especially within companies and networks