The Race to Evolve

Summary will go here

The March of Paradigms and the Race to Evolve


We have looked at the race to evolve in business but arguably this is a universal race in every domain to imagine, experience, discover what the next level looks like whether that is in education, medical or military domains.


We propose a Meme patch for the leading-edge paradigm. A message for the Post-modern paradigm: Respect Competence Hierarchies. Respect Excellence.

Competence is one of the first things that we can see is not like most human traits which follow a Gaussian Distribution. Most human traits like eyeballs and height and weight but not competence.

Competence/Excellence follows a Power Law distribution (think Dick Feynman, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods) It follows a power law of extreme slope in the greatest of the Great. This is Wu-Wei. This is Excellence.

People as Network Map

A person pictured as a network map – scientists say a deep specialist is like a needle. Very deep in one thing. But not very developed overall. These people can be combined into a very effective pyramid with others capatiblilties. So you have a Network Map of your Capability Space (who you are).

Taking a functional system perspective is a good place to start to understand Reality. It is desirable to have a functional lagging edge and leading edge.  

Edmund Burke the classical conservative defined conservatism as a relationship to change – if it’s working be reluctant to change it. This is sage advice knowing the law of unintended consequences that boomerang back on us – examples – producers come to make regulation serve the incumbents and block entrants, e-roome’s law.

Several perspectives: Regresseives can be counted on to be regressives. When regressiveness grows, it can be thought of to some degree as more people saying “put on the brakes please”. Even at the cost of being regressive. This should give the leading-edge serious pause. But again this kind of thinking is suffering from Protagonist bias. Don’t try the Paradigm not the People. What we can see is that more backlinks move over to not liking is all just a sign of the old paradigm not working. This is the turbulence in water as they bounce around before transitioning to steam..  

The problem is we are in need of a meme patch. (Individual humans it is considered are not very good weighers but as a pack of lemmings we are (the Francis Dalton story). It may not about any of making the right individual choice. It may be about the sum total of our choices and the interaction between them reaches the “right” choice just as the average of the crowd was within one pound of the weight of the ox).

More Specifically, we propose a patch to the Post-modern paradigm. It says there is no truth but this truth that all truths are relative. As a statement of mulit-cultural pluralism is a big advancement from the My Country, My Religion kind of thinking that comes before it. As Benjamin Franklin wrote a lovely story of a Christian living in muslim lands.

Facts have a shelf life

Yes even many facts have a shelf life. This is another way of saying the world evolves and if so, our problem-solving needs to evolve along with Everything else.  We can’t close the exponential gap and make it from wave-to-wave by running ever-faster incrementally we must make Quantum Leaps of Transformation. What makes a Quantume Leap? When multiple inputs come together to create a new Emergent Whole

 The exponential gap is a term which points to the rate of exponential innovation that we are experiencing and defines the gap as the difference between that logarithmic line of acceleration and the linear pace of our social evolution. Moreover it reflects how that entire curve of exponential curve is accelerated for AI. That is why were refer to the Network Age as Moore’s Law applied to Everything times 5. That is why we say “bbbbbaby – you aint seen nothing yet”. And remember to strap yourself and your community in for turbulent times ahead. Create Guanxi or Connection.