When Scale shifts Quality Shifts.
The Need for Quantum Leaping - a Global Paradigm Shifting Capability - (ZIZO to Transform – scale shift)
If we are going to redesign our society at record speed and scale then we had all better get a lot better at I and It helps to realize that when scale shifts quality changes. A global paradigm is nothing like a minor paradigm shift.
When Scale shifts Quality Shifts.
Get enough more and and it not just more. It becomes something quantitatively different. At a certain point, Big Data is not more data. It is fundamentally new thing. Just as more words after a certain point is not just words, it becomes a Novel or a play or an essay.
At a certain point, a thing “crosses over” or “transform” to a new functioning Whole (this in essence is what each one of our organizations must do to become network competitors.)
A minor paradigm shift is something like your parents adding a Philips screwdriver to your basic tool set - a Philips head screw driver. It is a new paradigm for word-working but it doesn’t upend your entire framework for leading or managing. A Major paradigm shift is your parents giving you and Electronics kit or a Hydraulics kit. Totally new domains with totally different rules that don’t fit in your old universe of woodworking. We need to get good at this kind of global paradigm shifting.
Looking at systems through different lenses at different scales.
Through the tool of ZIZO a Network Designer will practice identifying domain and lenses and scales explicitly which helps us be more conscious and precise in answering who we are being. This is a globally powerful thing to do because in systems thinking acknowledging Reality Bias and getting explicit about the construction of our mental models gets us past all cognitive biases.
The power of meditation is due in part to “cognitive scaling” the “looking at” things we normally “look through” including our senses and our thoughts. You can think of this as looking through vs at your glasses – after a while you no longer perceive your glasses as there. You are looking through them.
ZiZo to reframe |
ZIZO to bound |
ZIZO to understand potential leverage points in a world of non-lineaer cause and effect |
ZIZO to innovate and to Integrate (fixing our meme splits) |
ZIZO and the Solomon Principle
Numerous studies show we become Wiser when we abstract. When we depersonalize. When we ZIZO, we experience Decentering and Debiasing. We stop seeing things as all about us. This is called the Solomon Principle in modern psychology.
The opposite of the Solomon principle occurs when we look at things through a “Good Guys vs. Bad Guys” Narrative. According to the economist Tyler Cowan, we lose 10-15 points of IQ when see things through the lens of good guy vs. bad guy. That’s another reason viewing challenges in systems terms what some might call “Humans vs gods” makes us more effective problem solvers.
Global paradigm Shifting or Wave-Jumping –
The essence of many little wave jumpings adding up to a big wave jump (chunking the problem by Zooming out – Richard Feynman’s Next Level Cognition – Chunk, Link, Reduce. This is using ZIZO to build Domain Bridges or Ideal Links).